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My Coding Journey
Hey there! I'm a software engineer in the early stages of my career. I've created this platform as a space where we can connect, inspire each other, and kick start our programming careers together!

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Dynamic Duo of Inheritance vs. Delegation to Ignite Code Efficiency: 3 Main Factors
When it comes to designing and implementing object-oriented programming, developers often face a crucial decision: whether to use inheritance vs. delegation.This article aims to explore

Object-Orientation Abusers Exposed: 10 Disturbing Signs Your Code May Be in Danger!
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a way of writing code that helps us organize things better, and make our code reusable, and easier to work with.

Revolutionize Your Code: Discovering the Top 5 Data Structures for Efficient Programming
Imagine you’re trying to solve a complex problem or analyze vast amounts of data efficiently. How do you store and organize this information in a
The Untapped Potential of 5 SOLID Principles: Harnessing the Force of Clean Code
Hey, fellow programmer! We all want to write better code, right? That’s where SOLID principles come in. SOLID is an acronym that stands for five
Refactor Like a Pro: Unmissable Code Refactoring Mastery with 7 Essential Tips
Are you a software developer looking to improve the quality and maintainability of your code? Code refactoring is a crucial skill that can help you

Cracking the Python Code: Lists vs Tuples for Lightning-Fast Execution?
When working with data in Python, you’ll often use containers like lists and tuples to store information. While both lists and tuples serve similar purposes,